You enchant a sword with Smite 5 then goto oldspawn and buy sharp 5 for it.
Thanks man I know a lot of people like that too. Dude it's scary. Sometimes I forget how young you are lmao
Good evidence.
I believe you are off to a good start with this but it could definitely use a good bit more. Like under the 'Why Should I Be a Moderator?' section...
Solid evidence. I like the way you slow it down at the key points. Nice job.
So as all of us Americans are well aware of, today is the first day of summer vacation! We've tried so hard in school and finally that's in the...
There is way too little info on this. I would advise spending more than 5 minutes to type up something as important as a mod application.
What I find extremely hilarious is that he thinks you need to buy a whole new computer lmao
I am very well aware of the PlayerRadar in the top corner. I keep it off on this server. I use it off and on on another server where it is...
Your ingame name: niteshead The offender's ingame name: 2003henrymj A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Thanks <3
Well as I said before, this was my last attempt at Staff on this server. I thank you all for your support and really do hope to see you all...
Thanks btw <3
Was global but i decided to change it to guard because prison is just about the only server i play on
If anyone would like to revoke their support, I will understand. Just post your reasons why please.
Changes: +Added section under 'Why do you think you should be Guard?' *Changed this to Guard Application as I'm finding myself playing...
You are on an administrator account correct?
I had a similar issue on my mom's computer where the computer doesnt register the microphone at all. BUT in searching online a few days ago I...
I bet if I looked his profile picture up on google id find it