You know this has been suggested before and it is always shot down by one question. Why do we need this?
Ahh I see that's understandable. <3
Don't do that, just report them and get it over with so players aren't cheated.
Lag doesnt do that, quit being dumb. The guy is hacking, he was been acused by atleast 5 people in the 10 minutes I was on kitpvp.
I have used this command countless times. It is a useful command. However, I don't agree with the VIP or above crap. All players should be allowed...
I see good evidence here. Ringo needs banned. BTW LOVE THE SONG! GO WHOVIANS! :P
Sadly this probably wont come back. It probably was just another server they had to pay for when few people went there. I doubt they have the...
Been looking for something like this since forever lmao
Advertising your application in-game is a sign of desperation and impatience. Both are bad qualities for a Mod to have. While I did not see this...
Well First It's difficult to read bc you messed up when coloring it. Second, There isn't alot of information for us to go on here. Maybe consider...
No very sadly. It's not your fault, you have nothing to be sorry about. I hate that I have to say it, I wish they would f*****g fix it already. I...
While I like the format you have used, I can't say that this is a good application. You say your mature? I don't see any evidence in this proving...
I really hate saying this but this is an issue that has been reported over and over and still not fixed. It might be a mistake in the code of the...
Here you go [IMG]
This might work better if you were using the correct format. In the title write: [<Person who banned you>] Your in game name In-game name:...
These commands are from the old version of the Factions plugin that is a bit difficult to get a copy of these days. I dont think we'll see them...
xD go Aussies!
Its not that bad
What part of the Sunshine State?
Lol idk he asked a question so I answered :P