Bye. When you were a mod, you were a really kind one. :( Hope you come back. :(
Thanks. :)
Edited my post. :woot:
I have recently found out that the /ignore command doesn't work. I think noobcrew should fix that. Because people were being rude and spamming me...
1st. @madisonjr 2nd. @Firo3000 3rd. @Chezby 4th. @Pile_of_Butts 5th. @Lola Perez 6th. @ScoFu13 7th. @HipsterChick 8th. @prince_planet_2 9th....
No support. You're application is just bad. And you never helped anyone on the forums.
I don't know if I did Support! But I will support you all day long! Support for Life!
Well you have a problem. People have said loads of time, don't bye commander if you're VIP or higher. It will just replace you're rank with...
@pokemaniac01 @Zambiana @Chezby tagging Moderators for quicker response.
Happy birthday!
I have changed my mind. I forgot that people could still vote for xp on infection. And money on the other servers. Support.
I like this Idea, maybe they should add Wiped out? I loved to watch that. Support!
I really think that.
Kitkat, please don't leave. Without you, Mineverse will be struggling. Please don't leave. Kitkat is love, kitkat is life.
Welcome to the Beautiful Community of Mineverse! We hope you like you're stay! If you need any questions, Just ask me! :)
There is no proof. Please can a Moderator close this thread. @Rakion504 @Grayson @Pile_of_Butts tagging moderators for quicker response.
I support.
Welcome to the mineverse forums! I hope you enjoy your stay!