I was never Banned. ;-; I'm clean as a whistle.
Nooo Please don't leave! You were a great person! I hope one day you come back on the Mineverse Community, I really did think you were a great...
Happy bday!
Just edited the application. Looks Great now! :D
No problem, bud. Grayson ily.
Thanks so much! :) It means loads to me! :D
Sorry Grayson. Just people didn't look at it.
You just want pile demoted. She is sayings Hacks, dude think.
From the day he saw Pewdiepie playing minecraft
How old are you? 6 Your in-game name: Bob marley What timezone are you in? FLP (Funny Land Person +10000000) What country do you live in? Terraria...
Are you absolutely kidding me? You threatened to Report mineverse to mojang for the "Titan" rank, I think you only threatened to do it because...
Okay. Let me start! First of all I think mineverse asked the EULA if they can have Titan? Also Titans pay for there ranks $250 £150 and etc. So...
Umm... I'm not wasting my time on saying what you need to do. No support.
Anyway Hi.
Yes! >:') Let me blow it up.
Wtf... I don't like hitler.
Happy bday! :D