Support! Nice Application! But add a bit more detail. :)
Thank you! :D
Because she needs more info. :/
No support.
Or is it the sun?
Ily <3
You're picture scares me. ;-;
These people are not in order, Also I think everyone is nice and kind, on the Mineverse friendly Community. Also this might be a long list so be...
GG 174 Positives and 0 Negatives ;-; (Tell me you're tactic :3) ;-;
Windows. (Sorry if graving digging but I like this game.)
Support get Mod! #Mind4Mod
Okay thanks! :D
Thank you so much! <3
Lol so many Hi's on this thread. xD
I still think it would be unfair for the Donators that payed loads of money and have warps. I'm just saying it will be unfair to them.
Bump. :(
No Support. I'm not a OP donator (I'm premium) but I do know a lot of people that are. So they do pay for there ranks and In-game money would...