Why dont you just get professional help instead of taking it to the forums. The most we can do is say encouraging things
[MEDIA] This would also be a good time to over this shaders topic. You simply cannot run shaders unless you have a BEAST computer. Stop asking...
Their computers are also going to crash. If you're using a laptop or a desktop that less than $800 you can't run shaders.
Your computer can't run it
It's very very hard to run. You need A GOOD computer.
Just for those who wonder what Mineverse Skywars looks like with shaders. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] I think it looks good
Support you make my tip wet
.... watch madara vs ninja alliance
I was banned because I was considered a threat :l I had done nothing wrong but just because ppl knew I could do so much. I quit, I didnt even try...
Madara would be 100x Broli's in DBZ.
Madara all the way
In all honesty, this plugin would be a waste of GB's. Plus why don't you just say you're AFK to the ppl you were msg'ing?
If you read the beginning he wants a prefix for apparently repelling hackers.
how do i un-watch statuses
If you didnt realize, we can't view ban appeals.
Alright what's your steam feller
Arent we all :D
dis boi says console is better in a pc enthusiast thread. gg