It's bad.
Ok, disagree with my help. Bye.
It's pretty bad, nothing has changed. Maybe a new map every month or two. #MoreAttentionForInfection
Ew gtfo we don't need u here :)
You seem pretty cool, just become more active. While I know signup was broken, it'd be nice to see you help out on here.
No, I'm really not. I know the rules, and more than you'll ever know. Just a tip, edit your title to this [Isreal] Theproman100's Moderator...
But what about deez nuts? ;)
The original nether, before TADS broke it x]
You're getting there! Try holding just the questions so people are able to read it easily. Then, add some traits like helpful, friendly, caring,...
I bought him the tp to spawn, it should be fixed now.
Heh, a head mod who's not 13
Please add more information into most sections. While I know you're 'new', you need more.
Whalecum to the forums :)
Some of you may know me, some of you may not. I bet most of you don't. You won't see me in game, but you'll see me on the forums Kbai :)
It's all good, no one has been able to make accounts for months (something like that) Just add more info into why you want to be a mod
Yes yes yes yes yes