Don't rush take your time
No problem
Brilliant, love it! But, capitalizing the I's would make it look more professional
Could I help too? Have a server to use? I know a server hosting company
Use bandicam to record them instead of screen shorting
Yeah no problem. :)
That doesn't work, it changes the name to Golden Apple and the normal apple is Golden Apple. They don't stack of that's what you mean. Also, if...
More info, no support
[ATTACH] Here is a picture of my application, you can take a look at it and see if this can help you improve anything. Also making a video...
Again, improper grammer. "plz" "cahnce" "nevr" It's not professional, but it's not a huge part of it.
No support, improper grammer. It isn't professional, try to capitalize the I's. Also add more info into the "Why do you think you deserve to be a...
Okay, thanks
Your ingame name: JayJayJay175 The offender's ingame name: Please check through the video. Many parts are from mineverse A description of what...
Yeah I know sorry I worded that wrong, when will it be reviewed by a higher ranked source. EX: Owner/Co-Owner/Admin
Read it, isn't that a little to much color though?
Half and half, much from ********* and mineverse. I blurred it out because I don't trust advertising is okay. UPDATE: Preparing Upload: 21%
Edited in, go back and read it over. If you think it needs more please tell me what kind, like about me or how I go up and over.
More info in what category?
Age: 14 Your in-game name: JayJayJay175 What timezone are you in: Pacific What country do you live in: USA What languages do you speak:...