Alright, sorry I don't have much proof but, I did my best. My IGN: JayJayJay175 Violator: Bloodymess506 Violation: Scamming Proof: Me telling him...
My IGN: JayJayJay175 Violator's IGN: EltinChu Violation: Scamming me Proof: [IMG]...
I think you get one with kit tempest...
If they weren't allowed wouldn't it say "You do not have permission to use this command"
Try doing /GiveClaim with the caps...
Also, if you don't have a device that can have minechat (not sure about kindle/other devices, but I know idevices work) have a friend use it for...
Download links: [IMG]
Here's my idea, get an app for ipad called minechat. Then you can use commands even if you're dead! Maybe that will work? Type /bukkit:kill to...
No, clearlag clears most entities, and hopperminecarts are not configurable by the clearlag .config. Any type of minecraft is an entitie. If you...
My IGN: JayJayJay175 Hacker's IGN: palmbyknight Hack: Bowspam Proof (Wait 1-5 minutes still uploading) [media]
My IGN: JayJayJay175 Hacker's IGN: snipersfriend Hack: Bowspam Proof (Wait 3-8 mins, still uploading) [media] My IGN: JayJayJay175 Hacker's IGN:...
I'm not 100% sure but if you do /skull [name] I believe that works. ;)
Nice job! He should get banned.
My IGN: JayJayJay175 Hacker's IGN: Vrgnsnail Hacks: Bowspam Proof (Wait 5-10 mins, still uploading) [media]
This is awesome! I used your banner idea! Thanks!
I loved your idea of the banner on top, so I used it too. Hope thats okay :D
Yeah that was my idea, going to add more info. Also more color. I'll be more active too ;) thanks panda
[IMG] Age About 14 In-Game Name JayJayJay175 Timezone PST (Pacific Standard Time) Country USA (United States) Languages I Speak Only English,...
My IGN: JayJayJay175 Hacker's IGN: Placid_Decision Hack: No KB/Kill Aura Proof: (Wait for video to render (25-30m) , still uploading) [media]
use works amazing for me. are you using mac or pc?