well, they're not. About 15-20 mins ago, my address got dropped in chat.
Okay, well. I don't know what to count this as, a toxic goodbye, or a goodbye. The reason i'm quitting is because I have a horrible reputation,...
-Widzy : Goners22
If you leave i'm coming with... I already lost Arctic, and Rent, I can't lose one of my og's too... The only one left that i'm og friends with is...
How am I trashing your thread? All I said was no-support and 5 people ganged up on me. Shut up and leave me alone :p
@Max he means that when you click on your profile, it says "Max, Female, 16" i got confused too... and I remember when you were 10, remember the...
How does being the favorite matter in this case?
Because oh well if you don't have the same permissions. There are ranks on a server for a reason, I know this has nothing to do with ranks but...
no support
I say keep saving for like atleast maybe another $500, so you have atleast 1.1k. Anything under 1k probably isn't gonna be worth it. It will take...
Joke. The anti-cheat is well right now, and works as needed. I don't see a reason to change it at all.
Honestly, Rondeenieeeee (my biological mother) should've gotten it but Cyp wouldn't let her, when she actually met all the requirements. So now if...
Bye Arctic!!! I hope you have a good time in future times and now. I don't know if you remember me but, Goners22, or Widzy. I made you quit for a...
I’m gonna go with a no support, but I’m gonna lean towards a neutral if you change some acts up. Be more honest and lean to be more nice. I know...
Supportaroonie. You were a great mod before you resigned, you even knew I was closet cheating (shh) and legit nobody knew except you. I hope you...
Wym very immature? You legit broke your moniter because you got healed and lost a s40. Stfu bbg. You actually seem like you can help, but for the...
I have a friend that goes to harvard and only needs to study for like 3 hours per day and he's a doctor. Without doctor work. Besides Noob should...
I honestly don't care. Noob, Pile, BMAN, and maybe some other people can see it and fix it but do they? No. It's because they wanted to own a...