My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: BartdeDJ Rule Broken: Advertising
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: _iHaveEbola Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: LiamVader29 Rule Broken: Advertising
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: Zatrinqia Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: redroyalle Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: rocketpuppet214 Rule Broken: Advertising
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: AmandaaPvp Rule Broken: Advertising
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: The_Vampire16 Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: YamiSora Rule Broken: Hacking [MEDIA]
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: sammydrocks799 Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: Blue_nova_pvp Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: Kuckikukan Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: BeMoly Rule Broken: Hacking [MEDIA]
Best game of infection!
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: forstydew Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: BillyVDP Rule Broken: Hacking I have more evidence if this isn't enough [MEDIA]
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: Excaplicity Rule Broken: Swearing
My IGN: BlackZone514 Offenders IGN: CookieEnvy Rule Broken: Advertising