Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: BlackZone514 The offender's exact ingame name:...
Hello, Well I've finally decided to make my resignation thread. I have been trying to right one over the past week but anything I wrote was...
Just got board and thought why not add a kill streak item as a human. Well the idea is it is a stick which if it was to hit a zombie they wouldn't...
Hello. My suggestion is we should have /suicide back! The main reason is if you're a zombie and you get stuck you need to leave the game adding...
Hi, I know you may disagree but Op Z's should be allowed. Most maps it is impossible to kill donors because everyone has the same sword, same...
If you have not seen my singing thread wait till you hear this: @Wolf @ParanormalPizza @AthleticPsycho @Janice999 [MEDIA]
Hey Guys, Star Wars Rogue One is releasing at the end of this year. If you have not realised I am a Star Wars fan and I'd like to hear your...
A while back there was a version of these that were posted every week by @Grays0n, @Meliodas and @Cheez . We decided we were going to reinvent it...
Heaps of suggestions on it but P6 needs to be fixed
Title says it all m8
Hey guys, My suggestion is to increase sell multiplex for Titans to 2.5-3.0
Simple game you ask a person a question E.g Would you rather have a date with Ginger or Janice? Ginger <3 but Janice plz I <3 ya Player 2 would...
Simple suggestion add a KDR to BedWars stats.