Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: Caden00000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespect, By...
This cannot really be classed as advertising because it's like saying " is awesome!" So the Number IP: Staff take...
Look at the title and this video :D [media]
Hi, This is my clan for factions, Not a faction First of all, I am making a CLAN, Not faction. You can visit our base when me or @shonal are...
[IMG] He's following me >: ) (Thank chu inspect element) I did not hack, I just right click and use inspect element m8
Hai this is my suggestion, I got to go soon, So lets get straight in. Name: NewMod Prefix: [NMod] Commands: /Kick, /socialspy, /tp, /tempban...
Hello der , Mψ ηαmε ïš ßuη†⊕ßαgα. αηd †hïš ïš mψ ïη†r⊕duςr†ï⊕η! εηյ⊕ψ If you don't know me, Then I am named Henry, And I am 15 years old. I live...
Who misses brado and bubble_kid :(
Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: Chimmel19 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Spamming and...
Woah! He stole that guys pizza! [media]
Hai der chu guys and gals, Today I'm making my 1st tut. I'll be telling you how too get different types of member, So lets get 'dis show started!...
Buntobaga's Moderator Application I. The application How old are you? I am currently 15 years old. Your in-game name: My in-game name is...
Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: KenjiTakashami A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, By...
Hi guys! This is my 1,000th message, So I'll be doing a QnA Just post some Questions down and I'll Answer dem! I have met a lot of friends on...
Hi staff, I need Cyp or Noobcrew here. Since I just opened a Hub for stories and other things, I was thinking that me and my crew could get a...
Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: Leviticalpixel10 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking, Flying...
Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: Diamondlord207 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrepsect, Saying...
Your ingame name: Buntobaga The offender's ingame name: TheRealBritt, Aletheexcellent4 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
This is getting bad. Camel his friends and Alts are terrorising the forums. Rating everything "dumb", most people think they're dumb. So my...
Hi guys, it's me, Bunto, (again...) and today I wanna say thank you to everybody! When I first joined the forums, I never had a clue I'd get this...