UGHH ERMM UGHH I don't have one....
My IGN - NAmjae Offender - XxXNitro21XxX Offense - Mute Evading Evidence
My IGN - Namjae Offender - JokePad Offense - Racism Evidence -
My IGN - Namjae Offender - jamesb1337 Offense - HAcking Evidence -
My IGN - Namjae Offender - kingkong92603 Offense - Hacking Evidence -
My IGN - Namjae Offender - WbcPvP_123 Offence - Death Threat Evidence - Look by the middle.
My IGN - Namjae Offender - killedlikeaboss Offence - Threatening to hack my MC account Evidence -...
My IGN - Namjae Criminal - CAPTAINMARK2000 Crime - Hacking Evidence -
My IGN - Namjae Criminal - albiejoe04 Crime - Hacking Evidence -
Skip to 00:41
My IGN - Namjae Criminal - kyleh2232 Crime - Using mods that are not allowed Evidence - [MEDIA]
And I would like to play the server in 1.7.10 or lower. And enable pvp behind the red line in OPFactions.
Hello Staff and faculty of Mineverse. So I've been thinking and was annoyed to just walking and doing stuff like that. So I'm requesting to add...
My IGN - Namjae Criminals - Kaotic_Assassin and EzScrubs_ Crime - Hacking Evidence -
Ok to both of ya!
Hello everyone, my name is Namjae. I don't know, but on my opinion, I do not like the OPPvP spawn. I would like to build a new spawn for OPPvP....
I said I "would" -.-
I see that you have changed the application! This time it is very nice, however, in my opinion, I would like some more coloring. Support!
I dunno what you should organize :c
Good job not going over coloring, but as SSMH, you can organize better. support.