1. Ruminisque. 2. GetR3ktPvP_Mik. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. zZHejer007Zz. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. NoahAlexander10. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Rubyss88. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. O5Lulle. 3. Hacking. (No knock-back, and possibly aimbot) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. NeDxPvP. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. cpb1. 3. Advertizing. [ATTACH]
1. Ruminisque. 2. PedroopKiller. 3. Spam. [ATTACH]
1. Ruminisque. 2. ThoseDrops. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. AistukasLTU. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. __xDarkx__. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. NickelBack69. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. NoHackJustSkilzz. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Verdoncky. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Pixelsouls28. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. OG_Trippy. 3. Hacking. (He had Auto-Clicker; it only clicked when players were within four blocks. Whenever I went near him he...
1. Ruminisque. 2. Wastacr. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
Hey, Ruminisque here. So for the 4th time, I have tried to go into an enderchest and clicked the Commander sign on KitPvP.. This is incredibly...
1. Ruminisque. 2. BailzPvP. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. XxSlimeGamerHDxX. 3. Hacking (The KB Stick didn't work) [MEDIA]