1. Ruminisque. 2. DuckieDanger/NagisaSh1ota 3. Mute Evading. 4. Proof is in the file below.
1. Ruminisque. 2. NagisaSh1ota. 3. Filter Bypass, Profanity, Insulting Other Players. 4. Proof Is In The Files Below.
1. Ruminisque. 2. SpeedMasterFTW 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. DeadlyKimo. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Killerilag. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. UnderWaterBeast. 3. Hacking (No Slowdown) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Lefromage69. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Lost_Death. 3. Hacking (No Slowdown) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. LXK. 3. Hacking (No Slowdown, Potential Kill Aura?) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. ifrozenqueso and Bunny_assasianOP. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. ionetty. 3. Hacking (No Slowdown) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. GANGGANGANG. 3. Hacking. [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Tobias_mille. 3. Hacking (No Slowdown) [MEDIA]
Suggestion: When people unfollow you, have an alert sent to you saying they did. We have one for follows, so why not unfollows?
Can anyone essentially do the assignment that I put in the "Attached Files" section? It's Biology, and is centered on Punnet Squares. Please do it...
Hey, guys. I've been doing wrestling for a long time now, and I recently just started highschool wrestling. I thought I'd show you guys my first...
1. Ruminisque. 2. Bluepvpslayer. 3. Hacking. (This is a video he made of himself flying 7 days ago) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. xFritHD. 3. Illegal Modification. (Toggle-able Sprint) For reference: Not Allowed: Mods that give you an advantage over the...
1. Ruminisque. 2. Padl_the_Cookie. 3. Hacking (No Knock-Back, and possibly Kill-Aura) [MEDIA]
1. Ruminisque. 2. Abcbbong and PossessedHuskyy (Abcbbong is 0:50-0:55) (PossessedHusky is 1:55-2:00) 3. Hacking. (Abcbbong had Anti-Kb, and...