Neutral. It's not unfair to be banned for breaking the rules, broke a rule. However, maybe banning for some rules would be a bit...
Water benders: Specializes in maneuverability in and on the water. Oceans are perfect for Waterbenders. Techniques range from freezing over...
Firebenders Fire Stream /bending bind FireStream Fire Stream is the most fundamental bending technique of a firebender. To use, simply left-click...
Below is a Bukkit plugin called "The Last Airbender"/"Bending". I believe that it would be an excellent addition to Mineverse. Waterbenders...
It was kind of strenuous due to the fact that I'm doing a research paper in History and having problems in Chrome...but it wasn't too bad. :P
As a continuation to the title... Don't post a forum on the actual site! I don't know how hard it is to acknowledge that if you don't like...
You make some interesting points. However; a lot of these seem to be personal problems. Maybe look at things from another P.O.V.?
1. I've tried telling a few kids that I was gay, but it censors it. Idk, it makes me feel kinda bad to see that it was censored, and I can't say...
Yep yep! Thanks for the help, by the way. ^^
Howdy everyone! Just wanted to thank everyone for the kind words! I probably won't post much, but I do appreciate all of the kind words!
Thank you!
So I've noticed the Creative community on Mineverse is often complained about. I've created this thread as a list of reasons as to why it's good...
Thank you~ Thank you! I hope so too, it'd be a pleasure to meet you there! ^^
Thank you x2! :D I made it needs an upgrade though ^^'
Thank you <3
Howdy, I'm Todd. Well, first thing's first...I'm Wiccan and transgender. I try to love everyone as much as I can, and I tend to refer to Wiccan...