I'm thinking Factions, Survival (thus making it "Modded Survival"), or just making a new one and calling it "Bending" or "TLA".
I'm too lazy to summarize everything, just read through the other comments lmfao
x'D Genius. Anyways, want to expand on why you dislike my idea?
I never specified when. :) If you look in the comments, then I elaborate on this idea more. Since Mineverse wouldn't let me just reply to my...
You spit? Spitters are quitters lmao.
I used to work for a server that had Bending, so I know how to manage the plugins. They are complicated if you don't know what you're doing, but...
And you swallow. Lmao, kidding. But really, provide reasons. I want constructive criticism, not hate. Especially on such an opaque level.
Well, if you scroll up, I did mention that several times in comments. I can't go through and edit this to add it in since there's no room for it....
The new Bukkit plugin actually has less. And most commands can't be used by actual Mineverse players anyways, as they're admin commands. Choosing...
I don't necessarily think so. We can't have everything, but locking my own thread would be nice. I don't like when people comment things and it...
I did add a little bit of what the Gamemode is for and how to play it, but I was vague since I couldn't reply to my own threads for some reason (I...
The mods aren't really doing anything honestly. However, there may be more mods soon, so that means more people will be caught in the act much...
No support, people will do what they can to bypass the filter. Just report and tell your parents that people are bypassing the filter, add on to...
The website is only letting me reply to other users at the moment, but thank you for the tip. :) I'm trying to contact someone to help, but I've...
Exactly. I'm not even sure why people post things like that, especially in the "Suggestion" section. They aren't even suggestions or helpful tips,...
Well, I think we have different opinions here. I don't really think it's human nature to dislike things, because as much as I make it sound like I...
I'm not addressing complainers necessarily. I've seen mostly hate from people, none of which was constructive criticism. I'm sorry if I was a bit...