This was in the FACTIONS secion not the INFECTION section. Mod, please move to correct section.
Its 5 minutes im pretty sure.
But still. 5 minutes is a VERY short time. can't they just extend the time to 30 minutes?!?!
Hi. Nitro here. Im tired of donators abusing their kits when they are infected on the infection gamemode. It just happened with KeeChainZ and im...
Put me on #3 Lola and i will give you speed boots on creative :3
Hey remember the flower pot raffle? congratz on it! :D
Yes you can, with donator exp bottles. EDIT: Jarroyonaples its true. you can use your exp bottles and give them to Keep5678 or whatever his...
Hi. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS speaking. This is the application for the ProSquadRC faction. To join ProSquadRC, you need to fill out the form. 1. Your IGN...
That would be cool but i dont need it
Thanks for help but im not allowed to donate :baw:
Ill add that to the main part. thx!
Infection is NOT fine the way it is. It is unfair for the non donators. The donators think they have SWAG but no they dont, because they abuse...
Awww D: dont tell me ima have to make a new account :rage:
No problemo. my friend figured it out.
stop following meh or i will make you dream about naked sheep.
Thank you for making the forums and server :D ily
Stop commenting if you are not involved. PS you cant support a report :s