No support -your pretty toxic -your cocky
Way to young
Yeh ikr I got a one month ban for saying imma kill you in a block game
Cause y ou are not friendly
x XD Thankss
True but it doesn't make that much of a difference cause you can just type /lobby or /hub
Thanks for the support ikr cause it's so annoying when you die in it
Thanks for the support and understanding
I'm pretty sure that when getting 2v1ed it's not the best idea to fight and btw I have never seen you with diamond armor which you earn and then...
No support
:p:)Soo on kitpvp2 i think they should remove the loby portal cause i have pearled into the portal more times than I can count so just please....
I'm not sure what to do but I do suggest that if you do the kit u get 50$ money and like 20 levels? I'm not sure
If your gonna take away /heal and kits I suggest you think of something really really op things for the ranks. Since if you don't all the ranked...
Support but still you're not that active and when people MSG you, you don''t really type back. But i wish you all the best with the application
lel im in aus