You used U...u is a vowel.. Mistake XD
No vowels- Nw tht s s mazng wntd t With vowels- Now that is so so amazing I wanted it
The dog when free to eat an another dog that had a sickness that then...
Had the war with the apes but then the apes...
Noobcrew and Grayson...
Then when to mate with wolfs and then...
Micky Mouse
I have only seen his name once...i did N ,tab and it said Noobcrew....
Noobcrew is so boss in there....
Bumping and supporting
10/10 Prison
10/10 Me :D
what is your in-game name: ezeMinecraft2013 What is your lvl in INFECTION: 60 what is ur DONOR rank ( as well as yourdefault) I am default How...
i agree,2 bucks for winning... Cause if you get 5 bucks every game you can buy a enhanced god apple which is OP