Bump again
I will give 700 for the offer
MPg came to take back the throne but failed cause someone farted then...
Ezekiel came and then killed MPG to become King :O Then..
Star Wars
Gulp .....How much...
Plie then banned MPG for life on Earth so then MPG had to go to Mars then...
I will be here <3 any time You want.
Ya,i think you can ONLY ask about Chezy
Lol i try to kill him 1st but he kills me first cause I am default. This idea is a dumb one cause WEE need donators to keep it running. Without...
I agree about this so so much diamonds guys running around killing and I don't want to be killed over and over again. I can kill like 7 /kit...
Yeah will go crazy and do /unHack all the people there are even though they dont hack.
I agree with this,but hackers will just find away again. #"Hacker always find a way to hack"
@Chezby How you find about Minecraft? And how did you have a computer when you were -20? :P
Acutullay 1500$
I will give 700
I have like 10k from voting... I vote everyday and never play Skyblock... So knows how much I have :/
Ya... I know that... DUHHH But Mineterria reminds me of Mineverse and Minecraft. :P