Well I'm banned so why not do reports? 1. Exeos 2. SeaChild_ 3. [MEDIA]
I couldn't upload the screenshot my friend sent me so I had to put it in imgur. Here is the link http://imgur.com/mjxHyOw
Yea can you please wait a couple hours? I'm currently not at home right now and my friend has the full screenshot. I'll get you it as soon as possible
1. Exeos 2. Herf_ 3.https://gyazo.com/60d450a99e9f000daf6b551231bb31f1
1. Exeos 2. BO0CE 3. [MEDIA]
If he doesn't hack tell him to appeal. Smh you act like this is my fault. I simply recorded because everytime we fight he would always talk ...
[MEDIA] One of your clan members hacking
1. Exeos 2. masontyler12 3. [MEDIA]
1. Exeos 2. Dillpickle150 3. [MEDIA] My friend recorded this but doesn't have a forums account and doesn't want to make one.
1. Exeos 2. PvPAlwaysYT 3. [MEDIA] Just turn off the volume I'm still messing around with the recorder I'm using
Ign : Exeos Offender : dropevela Rule : Death Wishes https://gyazo.com/59d7c009e958208f96f572fe6220b4b5
You should love me :D
If you love a person more than anything, then you would do anything for that person.
I'm jealous too
Welcome @CraftyAlex01 <3
Please don't call me that. And okay
@FaZe Dox down for a 1v1?
They can't ip ban xD
I got on after I didn't want to get ip banned even though their ip thing is broken but still xD
Welcome to the clan @AliciaJ