But I'm trying to say that they're in the middle of swinging at you or eating a gapple and instantly heal.
Really really curious on why my post was rated disagree
I've tried using them on Blaze spawners I found in the Nether a few weeks ago and they didn't work. They just said the spawner has been broken and...
People use macros and mods can't see it sometimes but it's obvious.. And when you accuse them of having macros they'll just tell you they copied...
Damn so emo
@Silent_By_Night I think there's a way to disable plugins without them being used, just like when Pv's were disabled cause of the glitch, but I am...
How was the "wars" xD
I wasn't there with what they did but I'm pretty sure it was a bloodbath with what they did. I'm sure the people that participated didn't know who...
This is kind of like my idea lol, I wished I could of been a part of it. And I'm guessing from past experiences of brawls like this it was most...
Oh god let me edit it so you would understand lol, sorry for the confusion.
It's just kinda like a FFA but with teams against the entire server
Alright hey guys, most of you guys might not know me but I'm Exeos. I've been playing OP PvP since I joined the server, and a few months ago there...
16 shots
Good luck with the other things you're gonna do fam, and have fun lol.
Filipino isn't a language. Good luck with becoming a mod if you still think that's a language.
Regretful memories
And I'm successful she thinks
Man I swear she's just like tons of girls
Pretty faces, love status
1. Exeos 2. BauzerPvP 3. [MEDIA] I don't know if you could see but his friend was hacking too but Bauzer was the one with the more obvious hacks...