I am pretty sure i just did that, but if you are asking for more, so be it.
Noice tactic. (i spell it as Noice and it is pronouced with a mixture of Nice and Noise)
Noodles ! Nothing better than a hot bowl of noodles.
Have you ever walked into a room and forget what you were even doing in the room ?
I'm a normal person, who likes cute cats and dogs (MAINLY CATS, DONT TELL THE DOGS)
Ok, thanks. I'll work on it right now.
You've confused me more than anything i have gone through in my entire life. I'm starting to hard enjoy the song though...
How old are you? I am currently 15 years of age Your in-game name: hypobeam645 What timezone are you in? +10 (NSW-AUSTRALIA) What country do you...