It should be specific. Not things you will do with mod. It's why you want mod, and why YOU should have it
There are various things you can do in ROBLOX that you can't do in Minecraft, as i haven't played the game i can't decide. But ROBLOX is a...
Your In-Game Name: hypobeam645 Whould You Like Mod Or OP-Mod: Mod Your In-game Rank: Normal How Can I Trust You? I am quite trustworthy and will...
This is beyond what i can comprehend. This must mean i am Squidward.
Not Supported, i believe you should add more information on why you wish to become a moderator.
Quick question how do i take this down ?
By save i mean copy.
If you had the ability to travel the speed of light, what would you do ?
It is actually a question Question:a matter requiring resolution or discussion.
It could one shot me if i had full protection 1 iron armour, or normal diamond amour.
Yeah, but i am saying they should be nerfed because they are OP.
It was made by the tears and blood on my enemies. XD
The song, i lye dat. (lye - it sounds like 'like' without the 'k' sound)
Stay true to the warriors, high strength, low intellect. Keeping it real, WARRIORS4LIFE
I could save this, delete then post it after i get to know the community ?
Should i take it down ?
Thanks for the advice
Pretty sure strength potions aren't bannable, but they should be nerfed.