try to clear inventory? and are you a donor? don't move or it gets your minecraft crashed
have you tried
sorry i posted :P
if any staff is looking i'm just telling the member to put this googlemaster190 please know that you must put this your ingame name: The...
jadey why would they add it to VIP and MVP but not upgrade to Elite? and in sponsor you get color codes....
Me and some other people helped you to your 700th LIKE :D
Your ingame name: rct3dude The offender's ingame name: thecuteminer27 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking/fast...
ban for not wearing a shirt
Your ingame name: rct3dude The offender's ingame name: Vantegez A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
banned for replying @Daniel9757 Post
O_O im so dumb ;)
Your ingame name: rct3dude The offender's ingame name: Dragon_Slayer149 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
banned for saying "your"
banned for screaming like my mom
i vote EVERY SINGLE day and i don't close the window that i voted so i get nothing when i vote... [Spoiler] 0 XP on Infection -.-
[Spoiler] :D im so happy!
banned for saying "shirt"
banned for shirtless!