Screen shots of the chat advertisers on opfactions.
Why would you threaten to ddos someone in the first place? XD No support.
Neutral for now, I haven't seen you in game (or I can not recall if I did) so I really don't know you that well. Show some love to the pvp and...
^^^^^^ More support <3
This is a really good plugin, support all the way!! Makes things so much easier.
Neutral. Try to get active member on forums and add more detail, specifically on why you should become mod; its a bit short. I will make sure to...
You seem like a pretty outstanding guy. I have never really seen you in game, partly because I don't play on infection much, but I will still drop...
Why state reasons above if he can read them?? And if you want me to specify, then ALL reasons stated above.
ikr XD
[ATTACH]Yes, this is me.....
no prob, you deserve mod, :D
Phew, i took like 30 min for me to find this. SUPPORT ALL THE WAY <3
No support,reasons stated above. :P
This deal = 69/10, but sadly this sexy beast can't do any upgrades at the moment.
You can make millions off that sexy guy LoveNKnives's head *wink *wink
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew @bananaman11223 @fryzigg
So I have had a bad experience in dealing with trading items for alts. The alt I was giving most of my luxury for on opfactions is a titan rank...