@MoosePMC - You are one of my best friends without a doubt. I know I can always count on you to make me laugh when I feeling down and Ily for...
Howdy there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well hello there Steven! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Happy Birthday
Let's get it!!
Faction Information As you may or may not know, there is a faction named Stranded on the newly reset factions server. As of now we are the...
Shout out to @Nitro @Hells Redempt @Aeon @MR_B3N_123 @Lauren_Ann512 @super4321 @MoosePMC @FOUGHTMOVIE4 @CIASnipez ily guys!!
Support. I lost a lot of friends to this ;-;
MY IGN: LoveNKnvies Rule breakers IGN: RoboticDuck155 What they did wrong: On multiple occasions RoboticDuck155 for the last couple of days has...
@Scorvix @SSMH
I feel vaults are really not necessary except for Opfactions, OPpvp, Kitpvp, and archerpvp, Because they are kit servers so you don't have any...
When is cyp or noobcrew gonna comment on this thread, as you can see we want a reset. XD
ikr lol
I guess XD
Honestly I don't want a reset, but you made some really good points about things to be added or removed. Not a big fan of a reset, but if these...