Your ingame name: joecobo The offender's ingame name: many, many people A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Trading in-game...
Sarcasm if you don't speak it. I don't see why this is so hard for people to see. This rule was enforced on Mineverse for quite a long time, but... lel
Your ingame name: joecobo The offender's ingame name: Horselover1242 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill aura...
Ty for clarification. I would have never figured that out.
I was writing this exact same thing.
It's caller hidden autobid. Once you know how to use the plugin, you don't even need to auction snipe
Ask Cyp then, Crew doesn't allow it.
Your ingame name: joecobo The offender's ingame name: Mini_Duke A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: fastbow hacking...
Same rule applies here, well... I was told that by mods here. Not on these forums for some reason, but still illegal
Trading in game items for PayPal money isn't allowed.
Your connection to a server. Basically how fast your Internet can communicate with the server host. A lower Ping means you have a good...
X-Ray :t: Jks I switch between default and faithful.
Voting when you are not on the server will give you the xp levels, it just won't let you rank up with them.
I have 97 levels on infection right now, and I'm still the cfl level or something like that. You will still get the levels, just not the rank.
The bypass server limit isnt yet available in 1.8, so donors can't bypass the limit until bukkit is updated.
He only gets like 20k views on his videos now. For 2 million subs that's just pathetic, and his channel is dying.
Will I get in trouble in I spam the reported post box with threads that need to be moved?