Can you please fix Hellblock? World guard is broken for islands on 1.8.
Really no replies from any mods? This isn't exactly a small issue the entire gamemode is unplayable
Try /p v 1 after it says you got a rare key. It made mine appear.
Nether can't be enabled, as the duplication glitch still exists. Other than that I like the idea
It seems that other people have been having this issue, but on 1.8 players are unable to break blocks at their islands. It just gives the World...
Mutes from mods/console don't allow you to /msg
Being able to buy yourself an unban has got to be one of the worst ideas I've heard
It's really not that big of deal, and it's actually kinda useful sometimes. For example I was wrongly muted by console, and people wanted to know...
I just want the help section to be dealt with 12 pages of threads is completely unacceptable.
I feel like you should be immune to bans. You really do speak the truth no matter how difficult it is to accept.
That would barely get you premium lol
Can you please edit the rule that you added so that people can't trade in game items for ranks on other servers? It doesn't really specify, and... Worldguard blacklist basically means it lets you do something with a dispenser...
Yeah we did. Katokillsmygpa and skyttlesog made one right before it moved here. I think it was around setember or so, but it's not that old, and...
We got a new spawn fairly recently, and don't really need a new one.
Just thought I would point this out to people. Look at the last bullet point on Cyp's post in this link...
:) gg m8 new rules ty ty cyp Look the last bullet point on cyps post
Rules have been updated as of quite recently. Look at the very last post on the rules thread....
It's just an issue with your connection to the server. I've had this before, and for some reason the server likes to give you a bad packet id, or...
Hellblock money/iron/redstone and I have about 125k