On hellblock right now, you're unable to hit passive mobs at warp animal, and you are able to kill other players at warp trade. I was actually...
Crew is looking at this right now
If this would added, I think I would actually play survival.
Well you used to hack so people are going to accuse you of doing it more.
Yeah they could also essentially break the server more with those perms too
I think you should reset the above ones but not any others that havent been duped or broken like hellblock and op pvp
Mods got it taken away because they abused it. No one below the rank of admin will ever end up getting it again. I'm sorry, but it would be just...
Do you have any past experience using Xenforo? Especially moderator forum permissions since you should already know them if you are applying for...
I would ask you how you thought of that profile pic or where you found it, but I don't think I will want to know.
I would add that people should have to post some kind of proof of their former balance, otherwise people could claim they had excessive amounts of...
Well you did a great job on skyblock as a forums moderator until your untimely resignation. I would love to see you back.
Thanks for dealing with the reported posts, and I was just wondering did you tag me because you knew I was interested in becoming a forum...
I have no idea what deal you are talking about. I've never tried to trade in game stuff for real money. Just because you don't like the rule...
Players echests and inventories sometimes are reset when updating, and Crew said he can't give refunds due to it so there isn't much you can do.
I can guarantee you it wasn't, and the mods had to personally ask Cyp if he wanted to add it, and it was added. Just edited into the current...
Hey I'm quite proud of this. It was a rule that should have been implemented along time ago, and it wouldn't have been if it wasn't for Fred and...
That's just his example to show people what xp levels are for some nub that doesn't know.
Thanks :) @Mods you can lock and archive now
And Crew was last seen looking at this thread, so if it's possible to fix, it will be fixed soon enough :)
I think it's being fixed atm the entire hellblock server is currently down