Offically married Cwes ( 06.27.2020) C:
am i married to u yet ;c
tonight bby
where when
married me
Disc com fit <3
ITS Kim Seok-jin c;
support my friend c; <3
supproot biggest fan c; <3
Disc. you got banned on survival but you still owning up to your mistake, of course i will still ReSupport you <3 c;
support my hubby c; <3
Kinda late but thank you for your service :c <3
guesss what toto goes boaf
i did see u was on c;
toto also see uc;
:C </3 why u leaving me already ;c im gonna miss u so much wish u well i crie
hiii deeevahhhh
Fear, I .......... SUPPPOROTOOTO