Hi there! I can't log in to mineverse, it says logging in and then after a while It will say "Disconnected". ZombiePunkGirl Can anyone please...
i'll give you the full screen shot if i had it, but i only grabbed what i thought would be relevant to the issue. just so we are clear that screen...
seriously... you view it but don't act upon it? stealing is now allowed?
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Use this form to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your forums account name: ZombiePunkGirl The offender's...
This is crazy talk, you mean inform ppl about what is going on? Your rational thinking is not welcome here /sarcasm
You need better logging tools then cause this has been going on for a few weeks now. Don't you check the forum because there have been several...
wtf.. seriously i'm so over this server.. no communication, no compensation. this is .
reset again... no discussions from owners.. so over it.
Your logic is truly dizzying. So its normal to have resets and lately every time you log off you reset? All i'm asking for is an explanation. I'm...
You serious? would you care to expand your first hand insight into Cyp and what is happening? Its not to hard to speak of the issues and how...
for starters yes, why is it reseting all the time. what are you doing about it? Communicate... its not that hard. Unless you don't have a plan...
Can someone post what is going on? A little communication about what is happening would be good right now. Not a lot of happy ppl.
Rodeen, you always seem to have a positive attitude, never seen you lose your cool, and help when you can. For that I fully support you. Good luck...
Your ingame name: ZombiePunkGirl The offender's ingame name: BruhBeCool A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: BruhBeCool was...
I'm sure you're aware but just incase there is a brew station just below spawn next to the blue house.
added two screen shots as proof.
User was banned after i reported on March 3rd. Latiffyyplaysmc is now using an alt DaRkZKNigHT. I like this server due to its zero tolerance of...
comments to others
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: ZombiePunkGirl LaTiffyyPlaysMC Disrespecting, bullying, harassment. I...
zero i will you and our silly conversations. <3