I dislike your picture it's making you seem like you think you're actually cool but that's just my opinion :)
Thank you :)
This would be so cool. Support!
Looks cool, support!
Support I like it.
Support looks great
Support! looks amazing
We like only just recently got new maps lol. Please may I ask how the maps wont appeal to new comers, I recently joined and I loved infeciton. I...
Support! you seem like a nice person
Thank you :) Lol when have you ever seen noobcrew? cyp mainly does everything, Noobcrew pays for the server and cyp does mainly every think and...
Eula is not the only thing cyp does, I can imagine how busy he is. 1. He needs answers the support emails from all 4 servers and I'm sure there...
Thank you :D
I'm sure him or cyp will get it up as soon as they can I seen on another thread they need to make about 4 servers Eula compliant.
Neutral, Yes it's annoying when players do this but this has saved me many times from hackers. A better suggestion would be to change the map as I...
Cookies and cream but the golden gay time taste nice
That girl has more sausages on her than a curious teenager