Support I also think this should be added to the suggestions as well.
We are trying to convince you that it may have not been what you thought it was. there was 20 seconds between the he replied and when you...
Have you ever laid in bed and seen something that looked like something else, for example a pile of washing looking like a person or something....
Wait no, only 20 seconds between when he replied to you and when you complained
1 minute between when he replied to you and when you complained you died
You said 5 minutes it had only been 1 since he replied to you.
[21:02:22] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] her [21:02:32] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] I died...
[21:01:24] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [me -> [Mod] JhowTheSloth] Felycia1998 has arua [21:02:10] [Client thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [[Mod]...
Jhow would also need to turn his recording software on which when he looks goes back to the game the fight might have already finished. I looked...
Ok that's your side of the story. 1. you don't know for sure Jhow healed you so you can't really use that against him. In the thread you said you...
Happy birthday I hope you have a fantastic day :)
No support. They are helping the server and get nothing in return, giving them messages for handling reports and stuff is fair because it's giving...
I looked at what you posted and it's kinda stupid, you think you're the only player, I'm sure he was getting spammed by kids who can't pvp calling...
Orange1k walked into a Orange juice store and no one has seen him since
Can I have your account
He resigned but then got banned after
I wasn't even thinking when I said that lol. Either way I'm going to have to go neutral. I barely know you but from reading the comments people...
Ok mr popularity lol. Support even though I only got 2 friends it would suck having to choose which friends you like the most lol
I don't have one yet but it sounds annoying lolz Support
Um hi I have no friends