@Pile Will other players who used the duplication glitch get banned or is it just for Pxtchy, some other players released videos exposing the...
Don't get to down you do what you feel is right :)
Welcome Back
If course a lot of players would get mad and target moderators who ban them / their friends for unjust reasons especially on PvP servers when the...
Personally I see the events that have just occurred a great opening for mineverse, what I mean is now with all this mass duplication of items...
F*** yeah s getting tight tonight
No Problem :)
Duping is duplicating items.
Yeah OPPvP's strength 2 has inflated alot people go around quickdropping anyone and everyone its quite funny :) Pv's have been disabled to prevent...
In case you have been dead for the past 24 hours there has been a huge glitch with the PV system causing items to be mass duped the PV's have been...
Was strength 2 in OP
It wasnt cheating its a glitch with the Personal vault system same happend with OPPvP Dupes of str2 and speed2 Like crazy.
Your ingame name: AnaxAvp The offender's exact ingame name: DerpyIce_cream A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: They were...
What is this rating system. - How good are you at PvP? is it like 1 = No mouse to 10 = Jitterclicking at 30cps ?
hai <3
Piss of I do what I want
Im the best just add me to the clan already ffs. im 16 skypes anax.avp and im on when i feel like it.
Hai <3
So should players be banned for using features like a autoclick or?