Hello it is Lithiium, and I just wanted to make a thread about the knockback sticks. Here are the ways to get them: voting or kit. Why do I want...
I decided to make another quiz because I have more questions.' http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1604112323443689&pg&
http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1604112215421261&pg& I will be supprised if people get above 50% because nobody knows me. ;-;
1.Lithiium 2.IRodYouswing 3.[MEDIA] Ps. Sorry if you don't like eminem.
1.Lithiium 2OmfgBogsy 3evidence:[ATTACH]
1.Lithiium 2.RAINBOW_PHOENIX 3https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYvTHjz5FUU&feature=youtu.be
1. Lithiium 2. xXIVv,miner12,samm1402 3:[MEDIA]
My Ign: lithiium Offender(s) Ign: CreepereZ xXIVv evidence:[MEDIA]
My Ign: Lithiium Offenders' Ign's:...
My Ign: Lithiium offender's Ign: RazorGaming56 Evidence:[MEDIA]
My Ign: Lithiim Offender's Ign: Electroz10 Evidence:[MEDIA]
My Ign: Lithiium Offender's ign: Ampezzo Evidence: [MEDIA]
my ign: Lithiium offfender's ign: ponchuchu/Sepsis Evidence:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My IGN: Lithiium Offender's Ign Sepsis evidence:[MEDIA]
My IGN: Lithiium Offender's IGN: Kyzach Evidence:[MEDIA]
My Ign: Lithiium Offender's Ign: Donnerdog Evidence:[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] My IGN: Lithiium Offenders IGN: PenguinPLAYS Evidence:[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
My Ign: Lithiium Offender's Ign: PenguinPLAYS Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: Lithiium Offender's Ign: PenguinPLAYS, CoralReefs[ATTACH] Evidence:
My ign: Lithiium Offender's Ign: CitricInkDragon Evidence:[MEDIA]