1.my ign: Kxngs 2. offender's ign: WolfVERG 3.[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
bye see you tomorrow morning
Ok so as you have probably noticed the chat filter has some issues. So if you say anything like grass or glass or anything that has A-S-S in it...
1.IGN: Lithiium 2.Offender's Ign" WolfVERG 3.Evidence[ATTACH]
Ign: Lithiium Offender's Ign: Pieterjuul Evidence:[MEDIA]
1.My ign: Lithiium 2.Offender's Ign: Bondyboy007 3.what rule did they break?: Killaura/crits 4.Evidence: [MEDIA]
Hey it is Lithiium if you were wondering who I was. I guess I will make a late intro. My ign is Lithiium for about another week then I will...
1.Lithiium 2.Itz_Hydra34 3.[ATTACH]
1.Lithiium 2.ClashezRock 3.Killaura/click aimbot 4.[MEDIA]
Say what prestige you are on infection and what rank like 1stsgt or cpl. I am p5 1stSgt
Kxng's Moderator Application *Introduction* Hello, my name is Kxngs or you may know me as some of my other In game names that will be stated...
1.Lithiium 2.HbfBlock 3.[ATTACH]
1.Lithiium 2.SlimFTW 3.[ATTACH]
Comment below and I will tell you what I think of you :P
1.Lithiium 2.Potionix 3.[ATTACH]
1.Lithiium 2.Pokefan22122 3.[ATTACH]
1.Lithiium 2TiRoX_ 3.[MEDIA]
1.Lithiium 2.Souleater0622 3.[MEDIA]
1.Lithiium 2Alpaca_Gaming 3.[ATTACH]