My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: NoCombosjustpvp Evidence[ATTACH]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: Fatalityxz and ProsequenceJr Evidence:[ATTACH]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: PolishDevil Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: _Codex Evidence[ATTACH]
I think that we all know infection is in need of a revamp. Here are some things we need done. Remove Carnival- Reasons: There is one spot where...
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: abynaker Evidence:[ATTACH]
My ign is currently Kxngs. Choices Leave it as Kxngs - Infxnity_ - Infinxty_ - KillAxra - KxllAura - Lithiium - 1 xLixn -
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: DarkXMedia Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: HD_Hazzards Evidence: [MEDIA]
Hello I am Kxngs as some of you probably know. I was thinking there could be a new rank. This rank would be like a donor rank but you wouldn't...
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: kika_k19 Evidence [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: Aaron_JJ Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: Pokefan22122 Evidence:[ATTACH]
My Ign: Kxngs Offender(s) Ign: CringyCris and LoydPlaysMC Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: zDeathStrokePvP Evidence: [MEDIA]
Hello! I beilieve that there should be a new trophy.on your profile page. This trophy should be worth 5-10 points. I think it should be worth that...
Your forums account name: Kxngs The offender's forums account name (link to profile): @Xethorias A description of what rule they broke/how they...
My ign: Kxngs Offender's Ign: Minicrafters Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offeners Ign: ShrimezPvP Evidence: [MEDIA]
My ign: Kxngs Offender's ign: FunSpoilerV2 Rule Broken: Selling Minecraft account Evidence:[ATTACH]