Well I have recently found something that I'm interested in. I will play anime theme songs on the electrical keyboard :3
My life right now is just terrible. All my life all I do is repeat the same things everyday. From the start to finish there really is nothing to...
Well I have only one thing to say until I leave... Good Luck dear friend :)
Grayson why you unfollow me?
Good Luck :)
I'm heart broken
Yay, Grayson we are ready.
Ohh never mind it's just something about our pointless conversation where we ask each other random questions and talk about life. Wanna join?
K I'll pm you and I know blossumwarrior wants to be in it too :) Hhehehehehehjehehe... I have no life D:
Good Luck
So how's life?
Hey Grayson wanna have a pointless conversation?
Ahh a pirate!
When I grow up I wanna be a game designer along with making anime.
In-game name: fairytail2002 Age: 12 What part of NASA do you want to join: any I don't really mind which one. Do you know any NASA members: yes...
Giving you the eyes
What I mean is that ummm that men need women instead of other men (some are different :)
For males you need a female