Ty <3
Cyp can I have a cookie too? Plzzzzz
:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: Dude lol, I'm his brother!
No support...You downgraded enderdude25.
@CypriotMerks @Glaadiator @Noobcrew @Chloyybear4ever I don't know if this will help but Its worth a shot :P
Your ingame name: sliperyxsnake The offender's ingame name: kaoslegit A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking ( No...
Wow Thanks soo much! :D
Happy bday
Happy happy birthday.
Why did you ban yourself?!!?!!?
Why did you scamm SpencerHutt?
Bye bud it was fun. Btw I have a leaving vid on my channel beaucause I know you watch my channel ;)
1. Age: 13 2. PVPSkill 1-10: About a 9 3. Have you ever been banned for hacking/Other?: Not legit. I was banned for ''Hacking'' But i had proof :)...