Is that a mod ?
What's that thing on your screen on the bottom right corner? it says like footsteps and stuff
Hawaiian Pizza <3
No support, my base in our town is outpost 3 and plus if you don't want them to spam /rtp why don't you make a suggestion on putting a cooldown on...
IGN: XLifeTime_ Program / tools I used to create this piece: Artwork: [IMG]
Neutral, it doesn't really matter tbh XD---
Support, this is needed---
Subaru & Rem <3
No support you don't meet the requirements.. and donating is a different matter, 2FA is also recommended..
Begone... :>
Thanks for the reply please close this thread :3
But then if someone voted for me I should be in the leaderboard because the day before yesterday I was top 3 and then yesterday there was a person...
Can someone please help me, I can't vote cuz of this thingy and it's been like this since yesterday 3: @Pile @Dyna_Mighty @CypriotMerks [IMG]
Support, tbh mute will be enough... since it's words not action 3:
Support lmao <3
There's no person above me, you see.. [IMG]
You'll probably won't get refund .. probably
Actually for starters, I suggest watching Tokyo ghoul Attack on Titan...