grave diggers :/
wait im not your best bud..? D:
@MChengPVP @Blocky can we stop the flame war? and bring this to opfacs(hell yea)?:D
@zeldaninjamonkey he scams watch out
@OppilOPPvp @SSMH he is a scammer, he scammed for titan rank
"Alp is a hacker"- Comedian of the year
fry im facing the same problem it says i dont own the plot anymore as i have changed my ign
came back from camp i look so tanned
Your ingame name: Alpheson_Chua The offender's ingame name: Skythebajankid A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hiding in pets...
me me me
srsly stop this now guys
same problem occured
Support cos u told me to
420_blaze_it for those who dont get it
@HeyitsAlexa @JackIsBack @MVMC Sweg #MC @fusemc @SSMH More @xxELITE @GSHX22 @Bakes32 @NoobCupCake maybe more i cant remember
Umm im sry if i have killed any of u guys in the past rnd but lets just say i did not check who was on the team and cheng did not warn me so sry
Im active im active im an active member:DD
Ign: Alpheson_Chua Prestige (it doesn't matter):p6 Level (just xp lvl): i forgot Prefered rank: Owner? :P Co pls
Your ingame name: Alpheson_Chua The offender's ingame name: burrbunn A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: disrespect...
At least put the whole ip in:P