Yo whats up this is a clan for OP PVP only the nost opiest pvp around and im thinking whos gonna be in Im the Owner and the Co-Owner is Theresa126...
I will truce
Oke my clan is ~The Pros~
@SooperAwesome We truce
Acceptdd welcome
[quothttp://www.mineverse.com/threads/the-pros.7681/="pokemaniac01, Apply on mine to.join
Bro it will be your only wish to not get owned
Wanna join me to
Want to truce with my clan?
I asked MrParkourGuy
Lol this is funny @MrParkourGuy is so nicrle give.him a breaak
I think your the best mod you never abuse and I think this thread waste time
@MrParkourGuy Can I say something
Dont be a stupid.kid
Lily is a friend from survival
Members in clan are: @TheHiddenOne143 @Fluxninja Co-owner: @jackinatoner Owner: @killedlikeaboss
@DjRyan I.dont hack