hider u clam someone hacked ur account right? so u lied about it and hacked lol ur a noob @MissPVP is the best quote in the name PVP shes the best.
When I use to hack I could not hit him
You got no skill cuz you hack
I see but just saying retake the video find him get him to shoot at you and make it 1min long
Do it then the last person on my laptop was my mom and deleted everything
Sorry but vicernice hacks I was on kitpvp in Protection IV and went to 2 hearts he had kit commander
To short video
What are you saying I hack thats bs I have got a new computer with NO HACKS
@rachetclanks Bro I will do anything because I received an incorrect ban please unban me I was not hacking
My laptop won't let me download anything
What ever this needs a unban I will try get proof of my files or @MrParkourGuy or @rachetclanks one of you two could skype me and I'll show you.
To bad no support.
What do you mean?
__TNUK__ is my brothers account and he and __FAT_ALBERT__ was banned for plate glitching and please leave this thread thanks.
That will end up 2 points on your profile that end up being forums ban unwatch this thread and dont reply thanks.
Cant post here you need to leave!!!
What hacks man I would record my files but no recorder tell me how and ill prove no hacks. P.S My laptop is windows 8 and doesnt like any recorders.
You abuse me
Lol this is funny you wont do crap I dont even know why you became a mod.
We need to talk call me please.