How do I know that you could be telling a lie for a unban and I am not gona believe your crap. ~Killed
1. Killedlikeaboss 2. Progamer6/tjenkins6123/CosmicGalaxy32 3. Hacked CosmicGalaxy32 4. Proof
@CosmicGalaxy32 Ok I highly request for you to chnge that password progamer6 back on it and he said he gonna make you tell him the new pass sort...
Recording maybe?
Now im gonna ignore u
@cody peters Just leave if thats all your gonna do is disagree you know hes a hacker stop trying to protect him lol
Watch the video and see hacks at 0.13
Nope posting on a report when its not directly to you or your not a mod
Wanna bet GET off :P lol enjoy being forums banned lol
Im banned from KitPVP atm but hopefully ill be unbanned soon
Haha lol ur so stupid I know he hacks even Theresa126 was their she got hit at the same time i did thats kill aura. Oh btw I can report them...
I saw CosmicGalaxy32 and said hello and he said im progamer6 and progamer6 is tjenkins6123 so he hacked ur account @CosmicGalaxy32
@CosmicGalaxy32 I found the hacker
He has hacks
@Laura_or_is_it @Edward Ray Please look <3
1. Killedlikeaboss 2. Walruswaffles 3. Hacking. 4. Recording. [media]
Accualy I do ur an idiot shut up.
I am now lol call me a moron again and I hope NINJA murders u in battle. Oh btw u got demoted for banning MCExplore from prison saying banned...
You got demoted for abuse dont be annoying @1N1NJA loves to fight