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To Get To Easy, You Have To Go Through Hard
Come to the 4th plot on prison for diamonds only $200, Lots instock ~hardlineninja~
Oh ok sorry boss
Wow ninja i know you hate me but seriously do you really have to lie about this. Iv done this 2 times I'm going to admit it. It's happened to me...
But that was for trading purposes only
Iv tped 1 other person othe than you
ok but i make sure they do leave right away. i will stop from now on
yes i know but taking away /tpahere from gods is no right we use it to get people to our plots fast like sco fu said
Rank:God Server:Prison Missing Perk:Donator Mines. i see alot of prison servers with donator mines and was surprised when i noticed mineverse did...
how does this let people get freeman im free man? Iv only ever tped someone to the free world was to do a trade so nobody could take that stuff...
Lol it's not a scam
I tped you to the free world cause you said you were gonna get me banned if i didnt
Second that is not a scam and what you said was incorrect i did not scam you and I did not say i was gonna pay you 150k that is a stupid amount...
First i tped you to the free world because I am the free rank just so nobody could steal anythin
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Yeah i know it is very long :P sorry
Im am sorry if i have let you down. But it is just a Mod App