How do you get inside? xD
Support!!! It is very artistic. :P
No support, the map would be too op even with the few p10s that have the bows, I am behind the same reasoning as Ares.
Going to bed but OMG, got my forums baack!!!
I might as well lock this thread now because appearently this is stupid or wrong? idk whatevs. @ZeldaNinja when you get a chance, lock this thread...
Hello, I have been playing alot of game-types lately and I have been experiencing some issues towards plug-ins. I want to suggest a very small...
No support, I agree with Mookiez on this one, all of those spots are WAY too op, and if I went on there I bet I would find some crazy parkour...
That is true, but maybe you can apply for a "build permit" to enter that world until you have finalized and posted the map.
I don't know if I support this because it can cause lag, not only on creative, but also on infection if the map being implemented is too large....
We are thinking of different games here. xD
wut assassin
I like the map, but I feel like the only remakes we need to worry about are the maps that have been gone for awhile, ( I honestly feel like nether...
Who put those heads there?! Anyways, support and I tried to make the attics less op because before I re-worked them It was CRAZY op. I hope this... sRm this is fo' you. xD
Whenever someone says they have twice as many friends as me, I laugh because 2x0=0.
YOU MY MAIN MAN. Pretty much everything on that list I agree with LOL.
Noice, I finished all the bounties(except the Fate) and im working on my second thorn and invective. xD
No one goes on my threads or anything. ;-; I'm so alone.
How do I take a screenshot and then add it to here? xD
I just created this thread to talk about Destiny because literally no one I know at my school plays Destiny. :/ I love the game and just hope...