The title says it all. I think prison should get a better shop, where you can actually buy/sell materials and other things. Maybe make the shop...
- Pretty simple, I think that people that rank scam (meaning they get the rank that you bought or they don't get you the rank you were supposed...
I am offering the following in OP Factions for a Default-God upgrade. Note: You must buy first, I do not scam. We can do one rank at a time if you...
So, this is a rank you buy with ingame money. It's like kitpvp's commander rank. People would buy the rank for $1000 in-game money on OP PvP and...
Okay from the title, you can see im buying an old lycaon pickaxe on OP Prison. Here's what I will give in return: 20 sets of protection 80...
1. WifiPvP 2. _Scott_Boy_ 3. Scamming 4. [IMG]
1. AgentWifi 2. diamondkiller96 3. disrespect, spamming 4. [IMG] (She continued to do this about 15 more times.)
1. AgentWifi 2. krishy10 3. ddos threats 4. [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
1. AgentWifi 2. Pinchty 3. Rate Abuse 4.
I think when you click on a moderator's name on the forums, It should say: For example Yin Moderator - Skygrid & Creative Or canucksfan44...
Ign: AgentWifi I was rank titan Proof: [IMG] Now I am rank Premium Proof: [IMG] Since I am Titan and was downgraded to premium, I was...
1. AgentWifi 2. progamer6 3. hacking 4. [media]
1. AgentWifi 2. archerhead & crazyfeater (Very likely alt.) 3. auction scamming 4. [IMG] [IMG]
1. WifiPvP 2. collin555 3. hacking 4. [media]
1. WifiPvP 2. xxjayden400 3. Hacking 4. [media]
ign: WifiPvP Buying: OF Cape Cost: $10 USD I am giving: KitPvP $1250 1 p4 set Prison $100000 OP Factions $250000 Survival $100000 OP Prison...
1. WifiPvP 2. thoc101 3. Hacking - Rapid Fire 4. [IMG] [IMG]
1. WifiPvP 2. bm2013 3. DDoS threats 4. [IMG]
Ign: WifiPvP (W i f i P v P) Rank: VIP Rank wanted: Elite Notice: Must buy first. Offering: KitPvP Option: $4000 One p4 set 10 golden apples...
Minecraft Account Card ($27) Must give first. KitPvP Option 1 $1500 1 p4 set 10 gold ingots KitPvP Option 2 $1000 1 p4 unbreaking set 2 regular...